Saturday, 22 October 2011

Supply Teaching

So the half term break is upon us, seems like the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past term.  Firstly congratulations to all NQT's who have successfully seccured employment and survived the first half term.  I however have not been so fortunate and as aresult have spent the last term working as a supply teacher.

It has been an interesting experience and a very steep learning curve, but one that I have largely enjoyed.  I have met several people recently who have asked me about methods to be a more succesful supply teacher and how to go about getting into school and then getting asked back.  Although I am far from the oracle on these things I will put together a post with my thought on the matter when I have more time (and more enthusiasm).

But in short for any of my many colleagues who, having completed their trainning have been unable to seccure a full time job fear not, there is hope.  At least that is what I keep telling myself!